Hi George,
Thank you for the email. We are running SP3 AX3. I can see my supplementary item showup and when I hit ok, the corresponding sales lines are getting created to the particular Salesorder . But problem is, when I selected 'Only once'. it should add only one time to that particular sales order. Surprizingly, it keeps adding everytime you click (calculate/ok). In that case, Only Once doesn;t make any sense to me. It should add only one time...
Or ami I doing wrong?. Can you please investigate the cause?. Otherwise everything is fine. Why is 'Only Once' not working?. or Is there any other purpose for that onlyonce check box?.
Thanking you for your help.

jaxxnrhyno <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Are you running any service packs?  I was able to test your scenario
on 3.0SP3 okay.  What is your exact problem?  Does your
supplementary item not come thru on the sales order window after
calculation or does it not even display on the Calculated
supplementary items window? 

Jacqy George [MSFT]
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--- In Axapta-Knowledge-Village@yahoogroups.com, Subrahmanyam Mamidi
> Hi,
> While I am working on a customization for supplememenary Items , I
am having a problem on the Supplementary Items 'Only Once' check
> I am briefly explaining the situation.
> I went to AR-Customers. I picked up a customer, and clicked on
TrageAgreemtn->Supplementary Sales Items.
> Now, I added a new items with the required paramters and checked
the box 'Once Only' to make sure thats applicable for onetime only.
> So I created a sales Order for this, and matched the qty which
triggers the supplementary Items. So I went to 'Calculation and then
Supplemetary Items'. It seems not working per sales order.
> Does anyone has any experience with this?. or Am I doing anyting
> Appreciate help.
> Thanks,
> Subbu,



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