If you add a field to a table in the USR
layer, using a an EDT that was defined in the USR layer, the filed will exist
on the table in the USR layer, it gets a fieldId in the range of USR layer ID’s,
if you come back later and change the EDT on that field to an EDT defined in
that VAR layer, the field on the table will STILL exist in the USR layer and
with the same FieldID it had before, EDT used will not affect the layer of a
field. If you want this field in another layer you will have to delete
the field from the table, and re-add it in the appropriate layer. Keep in
mind Axapta makes use of fieldID’s in classes, forms and report
definitions even though it’s not readably visible , and doing a change
like this will most likely mean touching every other object in Axapta that is
currently using that field, also if the field contains data you will have to
come up with a plan to preserve it. It may be wiser to create a new field
in the desired layer, create a job to copy data from the old to the new, and
then edit each of the AOT objects that make use of the old field to point at
the new; you can then safely delete the old field. - From: Danny Gaethofs
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- RE: [Axapta-Knowledge-Village] Changing ID's Extended D... Preston A. Larimer
- [Axapta-Knowledge-Village] Re: Changing ID's Exten... Danny Gaethofs
- RE: [Axapta-Knowledge-Village] Re: Changing ID... Preston A. Larimer