Title: Message
Hi Jesper,
Its seems maybe my email went down the wrong way...my intention was not to have any form of name-dropping pissing contest and to be honest I don't have any names to drop so your piss is for sure much better than mine ;)
Anyway its good to get some ideas as to what is going on in the US...as I mentioned in this part of the world MBS really don't seem to have made sense of Axapta and also I think Navision is the bread and butter product right now and hence why thought it would be very unlikely for the product to be put into maintenance mode given the number of customers and partners out there.
Also maybe exactly what 'maintenance mode soon' was understood to be was different, I took it as an official and imminent statement by MBS whereas I think what you mean is unofficially things are already on the back burner...
As for GP like I mentioned I really don't know in detail so I guess it could be as soon as a conversion package to Axapta is ready to take customers over.
As you say time will tell so enough of gazing into my crystal balls! ;)
-----Original Message-----
From: Jesper Kehlet [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 31 January 2005 12:43
To: Axapta-Knowledge-Village@yahoogroups.com
Subject: RE: [Axapta-Knowledge-Village] announcements from MBS

I have "dealings with MBS", both here in the US, and in Denmark, but since I do not want to turn this into a name-dropping pissing contest, let's just leave it at that.  The MBS offices that used to be Navision or NavisionDamgaard offices may be biased towards Navision, but believe me when I say that corporate (Redmond/Fargo) does not exactly have as much love for that product as they do...
Anyway, from what I see and hear, and from what I'm told and what I otherwise know, there are few products that are likely to live much longer, and part of the reason for this is the cost associated with keeping several products alive and up-to-snuff with the latest legal requirements (latest and greatest here in the US is probably still the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, but as we see the convergence of GAAP and IAS evolve, I am sure there is going to be additional development there).
For example, back when I worked for Damgaard Development and we were developing XAL v2.99 (which later turned into Atlanta and then Axapta) there was no doubt that there was great support for the Concorde products such as C4, C5, XAL, but on the other hand, the greatest cost was also keeping them updated (C4 had a payroll module) while at the same time there was little new development.  The technology was simply outdated.
I see the same happening to Great Plains now.  Solomon already went that way a few months back, and Great Plains is, although a good and loved product, also a technology-wise outdated one.
I think Navision will last a couple more years, you might see another release, but that's probably going to be the end of it.  As for Great Plains...  I don't think there will be a v9, but we'll see about that, won't we?

From: James Flavell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, January 29, 2005 5:54 AM
To: Axapta-Knowledge-Village@yahoogroups.com
Subject: RE: [Axapta-Knowledge-Village] announcements from MBS

I would be very surprised to see Navision go anywhere near being in maintenace mode ... although we all love Axapta (most of the time) you should know MBS are still very much favoured towards Navision if you have any dealings with them...in a sense they dont seem to know Axapta and hence how and what to do with it!! ...although no expert in GP I dont see it would benefit MBS to do it for this product.  The rest are basically already in maintenace mode so its no surprise and expect the statement is based on these.
-----Original Message-----
From: Jesper Kehlet [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 29 January 2005 09:57
To: Axapta-Knowledge-Village@yahoogroups.com
Subject: RE: [Axapta-Knowledge-Village] announcements from MBS

It's not the first time an ERP product such as GP or Axapta or anything in that category has been delayed.  Your statement makes it obvious that you are new to Axapta, possibly even new to ERP systems in general, and statements like this are truly worthless opinions.  Before you get upset, let me tell you that we are many people that are tired of this happening again and again, but we've grown to expect it, and although it may be a cynical view, we'll be surprised if there is ever a release that comes out as promised.
With regards to the ERP strategy, it has never been Microsoft's intention to keep several (competing) ERP product lines, and it's obvious that Great Plains is at the end of its life cycle along with XAL, C5, C4, Solomon.  Also, I would not be surprised to see Navision go into maintenance mode soon.  And that's the way it is with great products.  Even Henry Ford discontinued the Ford T, because although popular, it was also getting old and outdated with time, and never technologies provided for cheaper and better models.

From: serioga [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, January 28, 2005 5:24 PM
To: Axapta-Knowledge-Village@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Axapta-Knowledge-Village] announcements from MBS


"Microsoft has pushed back the 4.0 release of its high-end ERP
offering to 2006 and is hinting it will soon move some its ERP wares
into 'maintenance mode.'

Microsoft's ERP strategy is morphing.

Axapta, one of Microsoft's four ERP products, has fallen victim to
Microsoft's slip-date curse. Meanwhile, it sounds as if Microsoft has
started to take measures to streamline its stable of four different
ERP lines."

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