Dear Madhur,
thank you very much for your response , I wan to do this it's because , we want to add more disk on database sql server , since our sql database running on windows cluster environtment , so we can not just add that new disk into old array , because on cluster environtment the disk should be basic can not dynamic disk , on the other hand if we want to add disk , the disk type configuration should dynamic disk , otherwise we have to scratch existing disk and the create a new partition .
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, June 06, 2005 4:13 PM
Subject: Re: [Axapta-Knowledge-Village] Split SQL table into multi drive partition

This is possible. But please confirm why you want to do this. Normally partitioning is done to improve database performance. The tables you want to place on the newly created X Drive what purpose will they serve.
Anyways, after confirming please follow the steps:
The first thing you will have to do is create filegroups. That means you will have to create secondary files within the database. The file extention will be .ndf by default.
You can do this in Enterprise Manager. Go to the properties of the database and in the data files tab add a new entry just below the primary filegroup row.
For eg:
1. FileName (This can be anything but follow a naming convention)
2. Location (Give the location on your new X Drive)
3. Space Allocated (as per your requirements)
4. Filegroup (Give a new name to this filegroup. Again follow a naming convention)
Clicking on ok will create a filegroup on your new X Drive. You can cross check by looking for the file you just created on the X Drive.
Now select the table that you want to move to this filegroup, i.e. on X Drive. Right Click on this table and select Design Table.
Right Click any cloumn and click on properties from the context menu.
On the tables tab, select the newly created filegroup in the Table Filegroup combo box.
This will move the table to the newly created filegroup on X Drive.
Try this out first on a temporary database and then apply on the live Axapta database.
Revert in case you need any clarifications.
Thanks and Regards

Dear all,
does any one on the list has any experience how to split sql table into multi partition drive ?
background :
on SQL database Cluster we want to add another partition ( ex. current partition database on drive R: , we want to add new disk array suppose we called X  ) is it possible to move some tables into X ? )

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