Defining the strategy for manufacturing in Axapta is based on certain modules and setup in BoM. 
Basically if you have a scenario of MTO, then moudle like product builder is useful, but one can do without that also. You have to define the BOM line types , as they define certain characteristic of manufacturing like BoM line type defines whether you have to start manufacturing components (sub-assemblies) or they will be available from stock.
BOM Line Type 
Item                    => implies that you have items in stock and pull them for assembly when
                               the Parent production order is ready. Helpful in  ATO (assemble to Order)
Production          => implies that we don't stock this sub assembly in stock and we need to
                              create a sub-production order in order to assmble the Parent. 

I hope this may be a good start for you in understanding the anufacturing strategy and setup in Axapta.

kamal7805 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
May any body please provide me a reference talking about setup of the
make to order, manufacture to order, and assemble to order strategy in
or give me little explanation about deference in setup of each.

thank you

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