hi James
Are you using demonstration data or customer data? Are all the "Action messages" related check-boxes (on coverage group as well as master plan) activated?
It is impossible to figure out the reason without looking at the actual data but one scenario where this can happen is where the new planned purchase order is created before the existing purchase order is processed. Take a good look at the dates and see if this is the case.
Action messages are generated for both planned as well as real orders.
I am not sure what u mean by "pick requirement"

James Flavell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi everyone I have a few queries reagrding masterplanning and hope you can help.
1)  No matter what I try I do not seem to be able to get 'Advance' action messages to appear and instead the system suggest I cancel my existing PO and create a new planned purchase order!
Can anyone provide any doc or explain any of the rules for how Axapta gives the different messages? Or provide exanples of how to get each one....
2) Are all the different action message types generated for both planned and actual purchase orders, or only one of them?  Reading the help it is not clear to me and I just want to be clear (like I said I dont seem to be able to get advance to work to even test and determine this)....
3)If I pick Requirement in the coverage group, are the action messgages calculated any different to Period?

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