Hi Again!
I managed to increase the width of the number field in the dimension form.
In dimension table in the data dictionary i went to the Dimensions -> Fields-> Num. In the properties of this field i saw that the string size was 10(which was non editable)
I noticed that the extended data type was SysDim(has string size but was again non editable)  which had an extended data type as SysGroup(and this was editable).
After changing the value here i synchronized the tables and compiled all the related forms.
And eventually the string size was increased to the required size.
When i checked the sql table i found that the size had increased there as well (Like duh!)
My question is will this change impact any other tables or cause any probs when a hotfix or service pack is applied.

Pls do reply!
Thanks again
Sherin Francis

sherin francis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi All!
One of our clients require the number field in the dimensions form to be of minimum 15 characters. However when i enter a record of the same size it give me a sql error. I noticed that the number field is picked up directly from the dimension table and the width of that field is 10 characters only.
 Is there anyway to increase the size of this field within the application?
 And i guess its not advisable to change to size at the database level...
Any suggestions pls!
Thanks in advance..
Sherin Francis

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