why dont you try try catch block and handle ttsbegin and ttscommit accordingly

Søren Ager <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Den 27. september 2005 15:26 skrev Brandon George:

> protected void  insertJournal()
> {;
>    ttsbegin;
>    numberSeq           = this.allocateNumAndVoucher();
>    [number, voucher]    = this.getNumAndVoucher();
>     if (this.updateNow())
>     {
>         this.postUpdate();
>         TransactionLog::create(this.transactionLogType(),this.transactionLogTxt());
>         ttscommit;
>     }
>     else
>     {
>         throw error(strFmt("@SYS21533"));
>         ttscommit;
>     } 
> }
> Added another ttscommit in the else{} block. I believe this is a bug,

From the Developers guide:
Notice that when an exception is thrown inside a transaction, the transaction is automatically aborted. This applies both for exceptions thrown manually and for exceptions thrown by the system.

According to that you should not get tts problems. The "right" code would be to have the commit after the else block (on the same level as the begin)


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