Title: Message
Hi can somebody tell me the field 'DateStatus' on inventtrans is set at what points?
I am just trying to improve performance on inventtrans searchs and can see the index 'StatusItemIdx' is useful to me.  Basically I want to find all the inventtrans cost for sales invoices for a period of time and hence why any index that has a date in it would be very useful.
My thinking is if date financial exists on inventtrans can I assume date status will ALWAYS be the same date as financial for that particular inventtrans record?  And therfore replace in my select using datefinancial with datastatus...
Part of my select originally would be (basically the std select to calc cost for an custinvoicetrans but with date range added):
                     && inventTrans.dateFinancial       >= _runStart
                     && inventTrans.dateFinancial      <= _runEnd
                     && inventTrans.ItemId                == 'ABC'
                     && inventTrans.qty                   != 0
                     && inventTrans.packingSlipReturned   == 0
                     && inventTrans.statusReceipt         <= StatusReceipt::Purchased
                     && inventTrans.statusIssue           <= StatusIssue::Sold
                     && _invoiceTrans.InventTransId       != ""
but I am wondering can I change it to:
                     && inventTrans.dateStatus       >= _runStart
                     && inventTrans.dateStatus       <= _runEnd
                     && inventTrans.ItemId               == 'ABC'
                     && inventTrans.qty                   != 0
                     && inventTrans.packingSlipReturned   == 0
                     && inventTrans.statusReceipt         <= StatusReceipt::Purchased
                     && inventTrans.statusIssue           <= StatusIssue::Sold
                     && _invoiceTrans.InventTransId       != ""
and be sure of always getting  the same result (i.e. once data finanical then the inventtrans datastatus will not change)?
Also I am just wondering the order of my where clause statements is important or not?  I know in XAL previously that supposedly it was best to put them in the same order as the fields used in the index but not sure if any such 'feature' is still present in Axapta????
If I can use dateStatus would you recommend I use this StatusItemIdx as an index hint?  I am just wondering since ItemId is not the first component then to me the search will have to go through ALL inventtrans that are sold or purchased.  If I use an index with itemid as the first component then the search will immediately be narrowed down to the item

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