Hi, Mohit Rajvanshy,

If you want to perform a big size string operation that performance is an important role, then you should use TextBuffer class. Just call appendText method to concatenate the string.

I tried the class and the result is very significant. The results are 68 seconds using plus ('+') operator and 0 second using TextBuffer class.

Here is my code:

static void SWAStringConcatenationPerformance(Args _args)
    TextBuffer  tb;
    str         r,s;
    int         i;
    int         ts,te;

    ts  = winAPI::getTickCount();

    s   = 'My string for testing only.';
    r   = '';
    tb  = new TextBuffer();

    for (i = 0; i < 30000; i++)
        //r   = r + s;

    te  = winAPI::getTickCount();
    info (strFmt("Finished (%1 - %2 = %3, %4 seconds)",
//Finished (23366171 - 23297453 = 68718, 68,72 seconds)
//Finished (23407375 - 23407171 = 204, 0,20 seconds)

Good luck.

mohit rajvanshy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi All,

I am trying to fetch the records from a table which is
having 30,000 + records. I am concatenating the
string. But it is taking too much time for this
operation. Any better idea to perform this operation ?

TableBuffer tb;
str a;
while select tb
        a = a + tb.name;

Thanks in advance

Mohit Rajvanshy

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