
We are currently using AX 4.0.
Our base currency is ZAR and the Purchase order currency is USD.
The GL paramater Express exchange rate is set to 1 (not sure what 
would happen if we change it back to 100)

At the time of invoice updating the purchase order, the user enters 
the exchange rate. We have found that if the exchange rate has more 
than 2 decimal places than we get an error - Voucher APINV000043, 
date 18/12/2006, account 141100, amount currency 233.03, amount MST 
233.03, alternative amount 233.03, currency ZAR, text 
The transactions on voucher APINV000043 do not balance as per 
18/12/2006. (Company currency: 0.01 - secondary currency: 0.01)

Has anyone had this error? is there anyway we can over come this?

the funny thing is that if the order has many lines, than if we 
invoice update one line at a time the error does not appear... 

Thanks in Advance.

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