
I'm building a custom tree into a form using FormTreeControl.  The
tree has different types of data behind each node, depending upon the
level in the hierarchy, so I cannot use the FormTreeDatasource.  This
has lead to several questions for which I cannot find solutions, even
though they seem like they could be resolved relatively simply.  I was
hoping some experts here could kindly provide some advice and pointers.

The form is split vertically, with a Grid on the top (bound to a
datasource), and the bottom is split horizontally, with a tree on the
left, and some simple form fields on the right.  The idea is someone
selects an item from the list in the top pane, and the form builds a
tree showing a BOM structure for that item.  (Mind you, this BOM
structure is not the Axapta BOM tables, but is stored in custom tables
that are populated from our separate manufacturing system.)  Then,
when a user selects an item from the tree, the fields on the right are
populated with values from the table behind that particular item in
the tree.

First, I need to catch the event of a selection change in the Grid to
call a method on the tree (passing it a parameter from the Grid's
datasource for the newly selected record) to build the tree's
contents.  If it was a TreeDatasource, this would be easy because it
would be bound to a datasource, and the query would automatically
refresh the tree.  However, because the tree is more complex
(different data sources behind different levels in the hierarchy), I
cannot depend on the query.  The Grid control doesn't have a
"selectionChanged" event like the FromTreeControl does.  I found some
example code in the tutorials showing how to catch the mouseDown event
and use [curNode] = hitTest( _x, _y); but how do I translate the
resulting Node object into a record in the data source?  Once i have a
cursor into that record, I think I'll be all set linking the two
together.  Any ideas here?

Second, when adding a TreeItem to the FormTreeControl, one of the
parameters you can pass is "_data," which is of type anyType.  I
thought it would be convenient to pass a table record in there, which
I could pull back out on selectionChanged in order to assign the
values in the record into the form elements on the right.  The
tutorial for formTreeControl does something similar, but it doesn't
use the _data parameter.  How can I cast that anyType object back to
its strong type so that I can use it?  C-like sytax (type)variable or
type(variable) don't seem to work  in X++ and I can't find anything on
typecasting on Google or in the newsgroups.  The only work-around I
can think of would be to store a simple data type of the primary key
into the table, and doing a select firstonly using that value  in
selectionChanged.  Any ideas?

Finally, because the tree has different types of data on it depending
on the level in the hierarchy, once I place _data into it, I will need
to know be able to directly infer the type of the_data before I cast
it.  In most C-like laguages, I would be able to use typeof to do a
switch on variable, and perform my logic differently in each case. 
typeof isn't a reserved word in X++... Is there a different  syntax
for this, or is there a workaround I could use?  I suppose if I had no
other option, I could keep track of the depth in the tree to infer the
type of the data, but I was hoping (for code reuse) that I wouldn't
have to couple the organization of the tree to the data so tightly.

Thanks in advance,


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