  well.. if you notice that in the SalesTable form, when you press "invoice" a 
new dialog appears thats post this sales order after  you give it some 
parameter like and then press "OK". 
  All what you should do here is to pass a parameter from you dialog or class 
to that window and pressing "OK" automatically (or disappearing that window, 
the thing that i will show you next).
  Now, if you notice in the internal operations, the SalesTable form calls 
first the class: SalesFormLetter... which then, calls the new form 
  to pass the "invoice" value to the SalesEditLines:
  1)) Call the SalesFormLetter::Main(Args args): args parameter should have the 
SalesTable as its record [args.record(salesTable)]... and a string value as 
[args.parm("any string but now empty")]..
  2)) add an global element (NoYes invoice; //in the class declaration)
  3)) in SalesformLetter.Main(args args): check if you recieve a value in 
args.parm.. if yes.. set the element you just declared in class declaration to 
that (invoice =  NoYes::Yes; )... 
  4)) declare a method that sets/gets this value 
  you now fininshed from the first step.
  4))In,cut its content.. and paste it in a new function 
clled: (preRun) write the following lines:
  if(salesFormLetter.invoiceTicket() == NoYes::Yes)//the form has been called 
by your form
        salesParmUpdate.SpecQty = SalesUpdate::All;
        this.close();    //to close it without pressing OK and before showing 
the form
    else        //the form has been called by SalesTable form
        super();               //show the form
        this.preRun();     // run the usual code... 
  try it.
  thats all.
  I hope you get use of that.
  good luck :) 
kennethpotter83 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'm looking for anything that might be able to help my client. If 
you'd be so kind to provide me the development solution, I would be 

thanks in advance for your help.

kenneth potter

--- In, Amer Adnan 
> Kenneth, 
> I didnt get you :S.
> Do you need a development solution? or a bussiness one?? 
> i just faced the same case. I've successfully implemented that. 
It doesnt requires more than 20 lines of code!.
> good luck, waiting for your answer :)
> amer
> allie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Kenneth,
> Unless the numbering sequence is set as same in sales parameters 
the numbr on the pro-forma invoice will not be the same as that on 
the actual invoice. In any case the pro forma can be printed many 
times and the number will change as many time as it is printed unless 
it sent to printer as a reprint. The actual SO invoice number 
therefore will not be the same as the pro forma unless manually set. 
This will require code changes.
> P.S. Point out to your client the possibility of misuse (theft) if 
the pro-forma and the actal invoice are set up to match exactly they 
could be setting themself up for losses.
> Tracy-Ann
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: kennethpotter83 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To:
> Sent: Tuesday, 16 January, 2007 10:27:22 PM
> Subject: [Axapta-Knowledge-Village] proforma invoice with invoice 
> hello. 
> My client has required dynamisc ax to assign an invoice number to 
> proforma sales invoice (with "posting" check box unchecked) that is 
> same as the actual sales invoice. 
> May you be so kind to enlighten me on this.
> thanks in advance for your help.
> kenneth potter
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