There is also an Excel Report Writer named XL Reporter for Ax.

>From: vijay karthik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: [Axapta-Knowledge-Village] Need to know Methods to Direct 
>Report to Excel.
>Date: Thu, 22 Feb 2007 05:26:49 -0800 (PST)
>Hi Arjun,
>i written a job for Exporting the CustTable in to Excel using code.
>Hope it will help to go ahed.
>To Dipankar,
>I will try for repor and let i know.
>static void ExportAxreportsToExcel(Args _args)
>  {
>      custtable                 customers;
>      SysExcelApplication       SysExcelApplication;
>      SysExcelWorksheet         SysExcelWorksheet;
>      SysExcelWorksheets        SysExcelWorksheets;
>      SysExcelWorkbooks         SysExcelWorkbooks;
>      SysExcelWorkbook          SysExcelWorkbook;
>      SysExcelRange             SysExcelRange;
>      SysExcelCell              SysExcelCell;
>      SysExcelCells             SysExcelCells;
>      COMVariant                COMVariant1;
>      #excel
>      int                       i = 1, whilecount;
>      SysOperationProgress progress = new SysOperationProgress();
>      ;
>      while select count(RecId) from customers
>          WhileCount = customers.RecId;
>      sysExcelApplication = SysExcelApplication::construct();
>      sysExcelApplication.visible(false);
>      sysExcelWorkbooks = sysExcelApplication.workbooks();
>      COMVariant1 = new COMVariant();
>      COMVariant1.bStr('d:\\vijay\\owi\\test.xls');
>      sysExcelWorkbook = sysExcelWorkbooks.add(COMVariant1);
>      SysExcelWorksheets = sysExcelWorkbook.worksheets();
>      SysExcelWorksheet = SysExcelWorksheets.itemFromNum(1);
>      SysExcelRange = SysExcelWorksheet.cells().range
>     (#ExcelTotalRange);
>      progress.setCaption('Progress');
>      progress.setText(strfmt('%1 - %2','Exporting customers to 
>Excel','Please wait'));
>      progress.setTotal(whileCount);
>      //header
>     SysExcelCell = SysExcelWorksheet.cells().item(i,1);
>     SysExcelCell.value("Account Id");
>     SysExcelCell = SysExcelWorksheet.cells().item(i,2);
>     SysExcelCell.value("Customer Name");
>     //details of record
>      while select * from customers
>      if (customers)
>      {
>          i++;
>          SysExcelCell = SysExcelWorksheet.cells().item(i,1);
>          SysExcelCell.value(customers.AccountNum);
>          SysExcelCell = SysExcelWorksheet.cells().item(i,2);
>          SysExcelCell.value(customers.Name);
>          progress.incCount();
>      }
>      sysExcelApplication.visible(true);
>  }
>----- Original Message ----
>From: Mallikarjun Gudidevuni <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Thursday, February 22, 2007 11:12:34 AM
>Subject: Re: [Axapta-Knowledge-Village] Need to know Methods to Direct 
>Report to Excel.
>Hi All,
>Can any one send any sample xpo of creating excel reports. sample code how 
>to create excel reports. I know that using com we can access the excel, but 
>it could be bettor if i get the sample code.
>Thanks in avs
>----- Original Message ----
>From: Dipankar Paul <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: Axapta-Knowledge- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Wednesday, December 6, 2006 12:44:06 PM
>Subject: [Axapta-Knowledge- Village] Need to know Methods to Direct Report 
>to Excel.
>Hi Friends,
>I have written some piece of code to generate report in Excel using COM 
>class. It works fine when i test it in JOB but not getting the way how to 
>make use it in Report Section.There are several methods can be overriden in 
>reports like Fetch() , Send()..etc, .Could u pls tell me exactly how & 
>where i need to make use of this code..
>With Kind Regards,
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