Thanks Hemant and Khue.

Now its working perfectly . Actually I didn’t know that it picks dimension 
number from number sequence setup. I was not giving it proper dimension id 
because of which it was generating various errors . 

Ya Hemant, I know that we shall be careful while entering inventory OBs  as we 
also import GL OBs because of which it can double the inventory balance. This 
was also a  reason of using Movement journal , where we can give an “Inventory 
Clearing offset account” .







From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On 
Behalf Of Hemant Kumthekar
Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2007 12:09 AM
Subject: Re: Re: [Axapta-Knowledge-Village] Inventory OBs



If you are importing the Opening Balance using P/L journal, then you just need 
to load the proper InventDimId. Make sure that you have the InventDimId created 
/ loaded in AX. Do you have Config/Size/Color and Storage Dim combinations like 
Warehouse/Location/Batch/Serial .... you need to give that information to help 
you out or guide you properly. I have been using P/L journals to load Opening 
Balance for last 5 years, and I had done with all dimension combinations of 
Config/Size/Color/Warehouse/Location. But also you need to understand that you 
should not have a double dip when you are importing your GL balances and your 
Inventory Balance will be one of your GL entries to be imported also. So take 
care that you don't have Inventory G/L account affected becuase of P/L journal 
load and then you also have G/L import which may have a Inventory G/L balance 
as a part of import.

Hemant K

----- Original Message ----
From: 江华 <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <> >
Sent: Monday, February 26, 2007 12:54:13 AM
Subject: Re:Re: [Axapta-Knowledge-Village] Inventory OBs

Agree with "Khue Trinh"'s comments. John 
ÔÚ2007-02-23£¬kbi kbi <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <> > дµÀ£º
Hi Faiqa,
I always use P&L for import the opening balance.... not sure that you use 
Movement journal to have integration with GL on your OB import.
I think can you import data into InventJournalTable, InventJournalTrans...
Then you can write a small job to read through the inventJournalTrans. For each 
transactions, you can check if there is a "linked" record in InventDim table by 
using the method: InventDim::findOrCreate(...)
The reason I don't put full sample code here because I don't know how many 
inventory/item dimension you have (size, color, configuration, warehouse, 
location...) for your inventory transaction.
This will help you to create record in InventDim table. then you can postyour 
inventory journal to get opening balance.
Hope this help
Khue Trinh
----- Original Message ----
From: Faiqa Khushi <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <> 
Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2007 8:00:26 PM
Subject: RE: [Axapta-Knowledge-Village] Inventory OBs
Thanks David, but in Trade and logistics manual (Chapter 6) its written that
in movement journal we can select offset ledger account and this journal is
used to change prices and to bring opening inventory balances during system
So I think Movement Journal is the proper way to enter Inventory OBs.
Secondly even if I move from P&L journal , I think I will still face this
issue because InventDim table also get involve in that journal.
From: Axapta-Knowledge- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
[mailto:Axapta-Knowledge- [EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Bonk, David
Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2007 5:38 PM
To: Axapta-Knowledge- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: [Axapta-Knowledge- Village] Inventory OBs
This does not answer your specific question but when we imported
inventory OBs we brought it in through the Profit and loss journal and
had none of the problems that you mention. You obviously will have
other issues to consider such as the P&L journal creates GL entries
however from the inventory perspective; it worked well.
____________ _________ _________ __
From: Axapta-Knowledge- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
<mailto:Axapta- Knowledge- Village%40yahoog>
[mailto:Axapta-Knowledge- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
<mailto:Axapta- Knowledge- Village%40yahoog> ] On Behalf Of Faiqa
Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2007 6:31 AM
To: Axapta-Knowledge- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
<mailto:Axapta- Knowledge- Village%40yahoog>
Subject: [Axapta-Knowledge- Village] Inventory OBs
Importance: High
Hi everyone,
I am facing an issue while importing inventory OBs in Movement Journal.
I am importing records in InventJournalTable, InventJournalTrans and
InvenDim. It imports the records successfully in inventjournaltable and
inventjournaltrans , but in invendim it generate errors against many
that "the record already exist". When I check that record in invendim
using query analyzer , there wasn't that record against which it
that error .
Can anyone explain that how it generate InvenDimID for each record and
we make our own invendimid or there is some logic behind generating this
? It would be great if someone can write the steps of importing
OBs into the system.
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