Basically CST Number and LST Number are unique for each Vendor and when they 
are transacting any business with any other, these numbers are mentioned in the 
Commercial Transactions as mandatory requriement in India.Hence in Ax this CST 
and LST numbers are obtained in the Vendor Master setup. This will enable the 
user to make Default values for LST and CST  numbers when they are creating the 
Purchase order for the particuar Vendor. this will not be editable in Purchase 
order because this values from the vendor master table.
Hope I calriified your doubt.
Thanks & Regards,


From: Axapta-Knowledge-Village@yahoogroups.com on behalf of ajastra_1
Sent: Fri 3/16/2007 6:17 PM
To: Axapta-Knowledge-Village@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Axapta-Knowledge-Village] CST Number and LST Number in Vendor Form

Hi all,

I am having a query regarding Vendors Form in India Localization
(Accounts Payable > Vendors).
When I m opening Vendors Form, in India Localization, the fields CST 
Number and LST Number are not editable while in Customers Form both the 
fields are editable.

Can anyone please tell me what may be the reason behind this and what 
should be done to make it editable? Also I have checked technically in 
both tables, datasources, forms, methods etc. Both are same.

Please help me as early as possible.



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