
To use this function you need to go for the general Journal or FA journal under 
the GL module and run the dep. proposal by chosing the dep. proposal under 
proposal button and define the date you want to pass transactions for it.

to be more cleare if you have 10 assets and u need to record the due dep. 
transactions for the last 2 monthes.
so first you go to the dep. proposal function and chose between the assets and 
then define the date range to fit the tow monthes and press ok.

you will find the transactions for the 10 assets are coming automaticly in the 
screen all u need to do is revising them and POST the vouchers to affect the GL

simply the Dep. proposal ia a function helps you to collect the due amounts for 
depr. based on the criteria that you defin it on the search screen and the date 
for the proposal.

Wish that satisfay your question friend

Tarek Saleh

----- Original Message ----
From: fenie kuswanto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: axapta-knowledge-village@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Monday, April 2, 2007 1:39:40 PM
Subject: [Axapta-Knowledge-Village] FW: depreciation proposal

Hiii all ..

I want to ask : How to use depreciation proposal in fixed aset?

Somebody help me please..

Thx in advance

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