   Ensure that .NET 2.0 is installed. Also open IIS. Go to website>Default
Web Site
Rite click Properties > ASP.NET Tab. Check that v2.0.50727 is selected. This
error usually happens when the ASP.NET tab does not have
v.2.0.50727selected. I got this error once.
Hope this helps.

Arijit Basu

On 05 Apr 2007 05:28:29 -0700, hkruiniger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   Installed EP as per documentation. I get to "Top level site
> successfully created"; I go to the new site and get the Template
> picker, as expected. I choose either the Enterprise Portal or the EP
> Public template, and get this error: "Could not load the assembly
> 'Microsoft.Dynamics.WebParts,Version=,Culture=neutral,PublicKeyT
> oken=31bf3856ad364e35'. Make sure that it is compiled before accessing
> the page."
> If I choose one of the basic SharePoint templates it works fine.
> The AX web parts appear to be present and correct in the wpcatalog
> folder under wwwroot. What is likely to be the cause of this?
> Hans


Arijit Basu

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