Hi Every body ,
I Need help of making Dynamic report in ax 3.0.

Descriptionto make report-----

I have  a  one table, the  name is xtable.in this table i have three fields

   1. Year
   2. month
   3. Amount

records in table is like this chart
     *Xtable *   year month Amount 2002 jan 30.55 2002 feb 30.55 2002 mar
30.55 2002 apr 30.55 2002 may 30.55 2002 jun 55.78 2002 jul 55.78 2002 aug
55.78 2002 sep 55.78 2002 oct 55.78 2002 nov 55.78 2002 dec 55.78 2003 jan
66.4 2003 feb 66.4 2003 mar 66.4 2003 apr 66.4 2003 may 66.4 2003 jun 66.4
2004 jan 66.4 2004 feb 66.4 2004 mar 66.4 2004 apr 66.4 2004 may 66.4 2004
jun 66.4 2004 jul 66.4 2004 aug 66.4 2004 sep 66.4 2005 jan 44.87 2005 feb
44.87 2005 mar 44.87 2005 apr 44.87 2006 jan 44.87 2007 feb 44.87 2007 mar
44.87 2007 apr 22.98 2007 may 22.98 2007 jun 22.98 2007 jul 22.98 2007 aug
22.98 2007 sep 22.98 2007 oct 22.98 2007 nov 22.98 2007 dec 22.98
Now user have dialog from where he will select year and month .
example like
 *from *
year=2002 ,from month =jan


 to year=2010 ,to  month =june

out put of the report should look like this
*Report Layout*
      *month/year* * jan 02* * feb02* * mar02* * apr02* * may02* * jun02* *
jul02* * aug02* * sep02* * oct02* * nov02* * dec02* * jan03* * feb03* *
mar03* * apr03* * may03* * jun03* *tilll* *till* *10-Jun*   * * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *   *
Amount* *30.55* *30.55* *30.55* *30.55* *30.55* *55.78* *55.78* *55.78* *
55.78* *55.78* *55.78* *55.78* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

          and so on till june10

"If you really want something in this life, you have to work for it. Now,
quiet! They're about to announce the lottery numbers..."

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