Dear All ,
        There is a class called Application. Some methods of this class are 
called while logging in and logging out of Axapta. Like there is a method 
called "closingdown" which is called when the session is getting closed. There 
are other methods like this too. If u can write ur code which stops the normal 
flow of control then u can very well prevent AX from closing down. There is 
nothing called "IMPOSSIBLE" in Axapta.
  Regards ,
  Santosh Kumar Sharma.

somnath jana <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
          I think not possible...

Somnath Jana

----- Original Message ----
From: Yahya Yanto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, July 5, 2007 10:41:34 AM
Subject: [Axapta-Knowledge-Village] Can we Set the Axapta not to close

Dear all,

Can we set the axapta main windows not to close as long there is an active 
module windows.

Example, we open the customer module, as long as the customer module still 
opened, i want users cannot close/exit from axapta.

Thanks for your help.

Best Regards.

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