Yes priyanka.  You please re-consider. Is this customisation is need??
in table "Salesline" a field "linenum" is available.  will it not be useful to 

----- Original Message ----
Sent: Thursday, 29 November, 2007 1:46:12 PM
Subject: Re: [Axapta-Knowledge-Village] About lookup

I am working on Axapta and have worked on the reports till this date.But
now i have started to do customisation. I have few queries can you please
help me with a certain issues
The scenario is,
I have added one new field in "Sales Line" called "Item SL No." with
extended data type "InventSerialId" .There is one more field in sales
line called "Service ItemID ".Now I want look-up in "Item SL No."(new
field) on the basis of "Service ItemID", but the look up is coming
according to ItemId. How can I do this?Pls help me..

Hi Neeraj,
You can use the EDT relationship. There are two kind of relations possible
in EDT, normal and related field fixed. If you want just a simple lookup
like drop down of all customer accounts, simply create a normal
relationship with custtable (with field Customer Account). You can also
create a complex lookup using EDT relation. Suppose you want to show
customers which are One time customers in a lookup. You have to first
create a normal relation with custtable and then create a related field
fixed relation where select the one time customer field and in the place
of value, give '1' which means TRUE. You can use this relation and specify
the value only for the enum type fields.
Thats all, if you want more complex lookups, EDTs can't help you more.


----- Original Message ----
From: Arijit Basu <arijit.basu@>
To: Axapta-Knowledge- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2007 4:56:43 PM
Subject: Re: [Axapta-Knowledge- Village] About lookup

Hi Neeraj,

Use the EDT Relations Node.

On 11/14/07, neeraj_gupta2k83 <neeraj_gupta2k83@ in> wrote:


> hi all,


> i have used the lookup through code . is it possible to give lookup

> using relations without using auto lookup. ???/ is any body know

> solution please inform me.





Arijit Basu

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