Hi all,

Can you please help me out with the following queries?

I have a server S1 with Ax 4.0 SP1(instance 1) installed with the admin
as A1 and a user G1.

I am provided with the userid and password of G1.

Logging in as G1, I tried installing another AOS instance(second
instance)  with a different database. Now when I open the server
configuratin utility and select the second instance and open Ax
client,the following error is encoutered.

Command-line parameter -compressionminsize=1024 is invalid. Check
spelling and start Microsoft Axapta again.

Has  anyone faced this problem before? Pls let me kow if I am missing
out any step. Also, appreciate if you can send any basic document of
upgrade from  4.0 SP1 to SP2.

Thanks in advance,


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