  U can get some of these reports i dunno how useful they are in terms of the 
information u want to capture but try this out:
  1. Sales Report (Sales Representative wise)
  AR>Reports>Transactions>Sales Order>Sales Order this will open a parameter 
form where in u have to pass the parameters. Click on Select button which will 
take u to update/change the parameters. So you can change the sales order field 
to Sales Responsible field by selecting through drop down. Try running the 
report for specific sales responsible or for all.
  2. Recovery report (Sales Representative wise)
  No Clue.
  3. Product wise sales report
  You can have a Product wise/customer wise statistics report. try the 
following: AR>Reports>Statistics>Customer>Item/Customer Statistics.
  4. Try for AR>Reports>transactions>Customers>History by transaction, This 
report will give history by transactions for all customers. If u put the 
specific date while generating the report u might get what u want.
  and option no 5 even i need to dig out.... :)

Sanam Khan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Do anyone have any idea how can I get these reports from AX …
  1.       Sales Report ( Sales representative Wise)
  2.       Recovery Report (Sales Representative wise)
  3.       Product Wise sales Report
  4.       Daily Sales Report (History wise)
  5.       Sales Representative Customers list
  Sanam khan 



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