   For importing Customizations into the Ax from USR Layer to VAR Layer,
   1. Make sure you have Var Layer License Code with you.
   2. Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Microsoft Dynamics AX
Configuration Utility -> Developer Tab -> Change "Application Layer to
open" to var and put your license code for var layer.
   3. then open the application and import the way you import the
customizations into the system
   Please do let me know if there are any more issues in importing.
--- In Axapta-Knowledge-Village@yahoogroups.com, "s_siet4u"
> Hi All,
>         Can any one tell me how to import the VAR(Development Layer) 
> Layer to the User Layer. i have developed some customization in a VAR 
> Layer. i want to import this customization into the USR Layer.
> Please help me out its a very Urgent.

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