I am not sure that this really answers your question. It is just a
suggestion. Since your post was 6  days ago, this information may be
too late as well - but just in case you still have this need....

I always use a counting journal for loading inventory.  It always
shows on-hand after I post the counting journal.  I think part of the
problem may be with the purpose of the journal.  I use movement
journal typically to consume inventory for a particular internal
purpose - like taking some stock for a specific department that needs
it.  I am not sure what happens when you make amounts negative, to try
to put stock.  The counting journal is very appropriate for initial
inventory load. You are telling AX that you have a certain quantity
when it thinks there are none in stock.  An inventory transaction gets
generated and you will show both physical and financial inventory on
hand after posting.  A profit/loss journal also works to add inventory
(or to scrap inventory). Again there are physical and financial

So, I believe you problem may be that you used the wrong type of journal.

M Hand

On Sat, May 3, 2008 at 11:56 AM, redneckwoman2151
> Hi all PLEASE help, we have done our intial inventory load through the
> movement journal, however we dont have any "on hand" inventory. It was
> set to "Received" with a negative amount, is this because the
> Redeiptstatus was equal to ALWAYS 2, which is recieved. Does anyone
> know what the value is for "Ordered"
> Any help is greatly appreciated!!!!

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