There are several ways to do that:
  1. The first way is to add code at the form level, on the method modified at 
"depreciation" field in the form datasource:
  if(depreciation == "consuption")
          table_ds.object(fieldnum(table, field)).mandatory(true);
          table_ds.object(fieldnum(table, field)).mandatory(false);
  2. The second way is to add validation at the validatewrite method.
  However i suggest the first way. Hope it helps.

raydg85 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
          Hi all how can i make fields manadatory for only a certain criteria?
EG fixed assets/value model
If the deprication method is "consumption" then "consumption dprication 
group" field must be filled in. 
but if deprication method is something else it is not manadtory.

Thanking you in advance
Raymond David Goodman.


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