Hi Hardi,
    I never saw a problem like this. but I can suggest the following.
1. Please check the domain name which you are specifying in AX is
consisting of prefix like .Ad or .com ,etc...
2. Try to import that user id for AD import wizard in users form( you
will not find this problem when doing this way).

hope this will help you..........


On 7/17/08, Hardi Tirtakusuma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> probably has been posted before but cannot find.
> I have an AX40 user who has been registered as domain user (she can log
> in to the domain) but when I setup her user ID in AX40 and tries to
> connect to her A/D profile AX says "This user account does not exist in
> the Active Directory".
> DOes anyone know what maight be the problem?
> Thanks
> Hardi

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