Hi Mahesh,

There is one option in SharePoint Central Administration Website that 
is let you take a full Backup for any site..


--- In Axapta-Knowledge-Village@yahoogroups.com, "mahesh_axapta" 
> i wanted to transfer the EP customization from development 
> environment  to Live Environment .Problems in Steps  for this 
> identified by me are listed below . 
> 1. i need  to create new  EP site for  company  in live 
environment . 
> 2. Transfer all the DOCUMENTS of Development site to Live 
> site . 
> Problem in Step 1 :
> Now while creating the site for  EP development environment  the i 
> created the proxy user & linked the same with development database. 
> So, Now when i am creating the site for Live Environment it only 
> shows the companies of Development environment since
> proxy user connected to development database.
> Now the solution for this is that  I can link the proxy user  with 
> Live environment.  But before this i need to take backup of 
> in development Envr . So that once the site is created in Live Envr 
> then i can upload teh documents of development envr to Live envr . 
> How to take backup of ep documents  of site in  one envr & then 
> upload the same in other envr site ???
> Any Solution for this ? DO REPLY ON ASAP BASIS .... 
> Regards,
> Mahesh

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