Hello all,

After installing the base components of Dynamics AX 2009 and assigning 
domain users to .NET Business Connector, I tried to install Role 
Centers and Enterprise Portal which is integrated with the .NET 
business connector, but the installation completion screen displayed 
the following:

Role Centers and Enterprise Portal: error 

.NET business connector: completed

The log file is too long to be posted here, but I've googled about this 
error and I was able to identify one error which seemed to be 
experienced by some consultants before, but i wasn't able to find a   
solution for Dynamics 2009.

In SysEPDeployment::clrGenerateProxies...
        Error executing code: SysDevelopmentProxy (object) has no valid 
runable code in method 'generate'."

I was wondering if someone has come across this error before? Any idea 
how to resolve it?



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