
At the time of porting into inventjournaltrans, inventtrans and 
inventsum should also be updated. This happens if you call 
inventjournaltrans.insert() method. In stead of porting directly into 
inventjournaltrans, you can take the data into a buffer table and 
insert into inventjournaltrans by a job ( using 
inventjournaltrans.insert() method which will also update inventtrans 
& inventsum)

Any other alternate idea is highly appreciated.

Kalaiarasi L 

--- In Axapta-Knowledge-Village@yahoogroups.com, Rajesh Talpade 
> Gurus,
> I want to import stock into Ax 4.0 SP2. For this I have imported a 
movement journal and lines. At the time of posting, it fails as it is 
looking for a line of the status ordered in inventtrans. So next I 
imported a line for each of the lines in a movement journal. Now it 
allowed me to post, but showed quantity '0' as there was a negative 
quantity for each line of positive qty.
> I checked and found that in InventSum at the time of posting, it 
had gone and created this value, hence qty was shown as '0'.
> I have run this exact same method in V3 without using either 
inventtrans or inventsum.
> So what am I doing wrong out here.
> Any help would be appreciated.
> Rajesh

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