Hi James,

   The file name is hard coded in Class\Info\reportSendMail\ method
   Below is the method,
void reportSendMail(PrintJobSettings p1)
    SysINetMail m = new SysINetMail();
    str fileName = 'axaptareport';
    if (p1.format() == PrintFormat::ASCII)
        //fileName = subStr(p1.fileName(),strLen(p1.fileName())-3,-999)+'TXT';
        fileName = fileName + '.txt';
    else if (p1.format() == PrintFormat::RTF)
        //fileName = subStr(p1.fileName(),strLen(p1.fileName())-3,-999)+'RTF';
        fileName = fileName + '.rtf';
    else if (p1.format() == PrintFormat::HTML)
        //fileName = subStr(p1.fileName(),strLen(p1.fileName())-3,-999)+'HTM';
        fileName = fileName + '.htm';
    else if (p1.format() == PrintFormat::PDF)
        //fileName = subStr(p1.fileName(),strLen(p1.fileName())-3,-999)+'PDF';
        fileName = fileName + '.pdf';
    m.sendMailAttach(p1.mailTo(),p1.mailCc(), p1.mailSubject(),'axapta report', 
true, p1.fileName(), fileName);
    //m.sendMailAttach('','', '','Axapta report', TRUE, p1.fileName(), 
Warm Regards,
Dhiraj Karmalkar 

From: James Flavell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Axapta-Knowledge-Village@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wednesday, 10 December, 2008 9:42:15 AM
Subject: [Axapta-Knowledge-Village] Changing default PDF file name

Hi everyone,
Does anyone know where I can change the default name of the PDF file that gets 
attached when I do print to email?
Currently it always comes out as 'axaptareport' (Ax4.0)
I would like to control based on what report I am actually printing

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