Perhaps you meant  num2str instead of str2num since there are 5 parameters
in your email. If parameters are 5,0,0,0 after the number, then you are
saying that the result will have 5 characters, zero decimals, and no
separators (either for decimal or for thousands).  The str2num function has
only one parameter.

str num2Str( real number, int character, int decimals, int separator1,
int separator2)

On 1/14/09, franklin_m85 <> wrote:
>   Hi all, I'm new in AX, moving in from Java.
> Basically I was investigating bugs in some multiplication operations.
> I've encountered a strange problem lately working with real numbers.
> In the table browser and in the application the number was shown as
> -616.10, but when I converted it to string using str2num(var,5,0,0,0),
> the displayed result is -616 (using Job, just to make it simple).
> Is there any possibility that this strange behavior was caused because
> there's some special formatting in the extended data type? If so, how
> can I check it?

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