Thanks MaryAnn,
Very interesting points.
The database that we are upgrading contains something like 20 company
accounts; most of them essential and some of them copies.
So you are basically saying that if we have the same employee number in 2
different company accounts we might end up with this problem ?
What if you go for not using the global address book ? If I read through the
documentation, it is stated that you can use the global address book; not
that you must ... ?
Do you have any thoughts about that ?


[] On Behalf Of MaryAnn Hand
Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2009 6:37 AM
Subject: Re: [Axapta-Knowledge-Village] Data Upgrade problem (Ax3SP4 -->

ReleaseUpdate is not a table but a script that tries to run. AX2009
sometimes makes new unique indexes. If the data being updated violates
the index, then the scripts will not run.

If you open the EmplTable form definition in the AOT and notice the
tables that are joined. Then look at these table definitions in the
AOT to see what unique indexes are defined in AX 2009. Then check
uniqueness of the index in the tables in SQL Server. You may need to
remove duplicates for the upgrade.

For example, in AX 2009, there is a global address book that is cross
company. If there is a company copy in the database that you are
upgrading, then the employee table in AX 3 would have duplicate
entries. The global address book may be unable to add the duplicate

When I did an upgrade, I did the data upgrade on a single company. I
made a backup and deleted the non-essential companies and I was able
to avoid this problem. If all companies are essential, and employees
are duplicated across companies, you may need to get help from
Microsoft regarding how to handle the duplicate entries.

On Wed, Feb 4, 2009 at 9:17 PM, Jens Strandberg <j...@strandbergs.
<> dk> wrote:
> Hello there,
> I am doing a db-upgrade from Ax3SP4 to Ax2009 and I have encountered what
> you might call a show-stopper ...
> In the upgrade list, when Postsynchronization starts, Ax immediately halts
> with this error:
> "Cannot create a record in Release Update Scripts (ReleaseUpdateScripts).
> Class ID: 18185, updateEmplTable. The record already exists.
> If I check the tables ReleaseUpdate* directly in the DB (SQL 2005), these
> tables are empty.
> I guess that the error message is slightly wrong; I suspect other issues
> be the cause.
> Anyone with experience with this - and hopefully either an explanation or
> work around ?
> Thanks.
> /Jens

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