I do not know for sure what is the problem - maybe there is no message
in that session to retrieve.

I can tell you that I have had the most success with .net business
connector when I do my own coding on the X++ side and call my own
class methods from .net. Then it is also easy for me to actually debug
my code - both in .net AND in X++. I suggest that you try the

1) Create a new class in AX and add the method "getLastMessage" in the
xinfo.text example (pasted below).
2) Then create your class in .NET  rather than the info class.
3) Call your getLastMessage method from your .NET code.

To debug you must check the checkboxes both to debug on server in
server configuration and to debug Business Connector in client
configuration.  Make sure that in Tools > Options on Development tab
that the Debug Mode is set to "When Breakpoint" (which will get set
automatically if you put a breakpoint in your getLastMessage method).
Open the debugger from Tools > Developer Tools.  Then begin debugging
in .NET and when you call the getLastMessage method, you will be able
to pace through the code in the AX debugger.

Then hopefully you can see the message you are looking for.

Here is the code pasted from AX help:

public str getLastMessage()
    int currentLine = infolog.line();
    str messageText = '';

    if (currentLine > infoLogStartLine)
        // Message text only available if something new
        // was added to the infolog
        messageText = strltrim(strrtrim

    return messageText;

On Sat, Feb 21, 2009 at 3:05 AM, Sakthivel K <sakaxa...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hi,
>     i tried to call info() in .net business connector,but i couldn't able to
> do.Below is my .net code.when i am trying to call this .net method in my
> class i could not able to see info window.If any error in this code please
> correct it.
> public
> string showMsgNewStr()
> {
> Axapta ax;
> string infoLogText = "";
> try
> {
> // Login to Microsoft Dynamics Ax.
> ax =
> new Axapta();
> ax.Logon(
> null, null, null, null);
> object infolog = ax.GetObject("InfoLog");
> AxaptaObject infoClass = ax.CreateAxaptaObject("Info");
> infoLogText = (
> String)infoClass.Call("text",1)+"Hi";
> }
> catch (Exception e)
> {
> Console.WriteLine("An error occurred in object creation or Axapta logon:
> {0}", e.Message);
> }
> return infoLogText;
> }
> Thanks,
> Sakthivel

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