Hi ,

can  any one explain how ti config the  below scenario :

A job
comes to  X Service centre and from
there it could be assigned to any of
the companies (Currently 5 to 6 companies). Mostly all the companies have 
resources (Items, Equipments, Employees etc.,). One company owns
(Let us call this main) the Project and responsible to deliver the Project
to the client. Remaining companies(Let us call this subs)  support

company in executing the tasks. That is, while defining the Project tasks by
main, there would be some references to subs also in the same project.
This would happen based on the mutually agreed resource plan. availability
from all companies (One form is required to display the availability
of resources, equipments, Employees etc., from all companies). Once any
resource is used from subs in the Project owned by Main, the corresponding
updates should happen in sub. i.e. Main is using some equipment
from sub then in sub that equipment should be marked as allocated and
should not be available for any allocations until it is released. Since sub is
serving the main by way of supplying this equipment, naturally sub would
charge main for this. In fact, all the resource sale price being used in the
Project would be visible to all main and subs.


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