go to baseenums node find LedgerJournalType enum add BPV, JV, Pettey Cash(your 
jounal names) in that base enum. 
Note:on LedgerJournalType  baseenum rightclick ansd say new element , and 
change the labels and captions etc... 

Thanks & Regards
Pradeep S.Itnal

--- On Wed, 8/4/09, Khalil Rehman <khalilrehm...@hotmail.com> wrote:

From: Khalil Rehman <khalilrehm...@hotmail.com>
Subject: RE: [Axapta-Knowledge-Village] Method Code
To: "Knowlege Village" <axapta-knowledge-village@yahoogroups.com>
Date: Wednesday, 8 April, 2009, 1:57 PM

Dear Pradeepitnal 
when i write this code 
The enumeration does not exist.

Error showing. 



To: Axapta-Knowledge- vill...@yahoogro ups.com
From: pradeepitnal@ yahoo.co. in
Date: Wed, 8 Apr 2009 13:02:37 +0530
Subject: Re: [Axapta-Knowledge- Village] Method Code

modify ur condition like this 
if(ledgerJournalTab le.JournalType == LedgerJournalType: :BPV)
   txt_receviedby. visible(true) ;

Thanks & Regards
Pradeep S.Itnal

--- On Wed, 8/4/09, Khalil Rehman <khalilrehman5@ hotmail.com> wrote:

From: Khalil Rehman <khalilrehman5@ hotmail.com>
Subject: [Axapta-Knowledge- Village] Method Code
To: "Knowlege Village" <axapta-knowledge- vill...@yahoogro ups.com>, 
axapta-development- vill...@yahoogro ups.com, "Adeel AX Technical Consultant" 
<adeel...@gmail. com>
Date: Wednesday, 8 April, 2009, 12:17 PM

Dear All,
   can any body help me to write a code in LedgerJournal Report. that is i want 
to place a Text box in Report Footer Text is "Received By". and initial Visible 
status is NO. 
 we have three Journal Type (NAME) BPV, JV, Pettey Cash. now whenever Journal 
Name BPV or Petty Cash is selected then this text become visible.
void enabletxt()
  if (ledgerjournaltable .name== "BPV")
    Txt_RS.visible= yes;

but its  not working.
need urgent attention.


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