Hi Manoch,

It works. Thanks very much.


--- In Axapta-Knowledge-Village@yahoogroups.com, "manoch_niti" <man...@...> 
> Hi.
> The message body must written in html language.
> Please try to apply HTML tag into your message. 
> for example, surround it with <pre> ... </pre>.
> Regards.
> manoch
> --- In Axapta-Knowledge-Village@yahoogroups.com, "anton_tjiptadi" 
> <anton_tjiptadi@> wrote:
> >
> > Dear all,
> > 
> > I developed some notification program in Ax 3. This program should send 
> > email regarding some changes in Axapta. Problem is I set the message body 
> > so it would look nice when my user receive it. Turns out all the format 
> > missing so it would only display one long lines without any format.
> > 
> > Example of my lines is 
> > "Purchase order no 1234 is created \n. Please approve or reject \n\n 
> > Regards \n Admin"
> > 
> > I'm using dialog to display this message before Axapta send it. It already 
> > looks nice on screen.
> > Message body in my dialog already looks like this :
> > 
> > "Purchase order no 1234 is created 
> > Please approve or reject.
> >  
> > Regards
> > Admin"
> > 
> > After I clicked ok on my dialog, it send the email but with all character 
> > in one line.
> > --> "Purchase order no 1234 is created.Please approve or rejectRegardsAdmin"
> > 
> > Any suggestion?
> > 
> > Thanks in advance.
> > Regards,
> > Anton
> >

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