Hi everyone
Was wondering is anyone has come across the following pain in AX
intercompany in AX2009 (or maybe earlier versions too)
Orig SO (A)
PO (B) created via direct delivery for (A)
Intercompany SO (C) created for (B)
When it is all created the address on all 3 is the sames as (A)
BUT if I change the delivery term field (or other fields that are sync'd) on
(C) then (A) and (B) have their delivery address 'reset' to the company info
I can see code in AxSalesTable and AxPurchTable regarding setDeliveryAddress
etc and it looking up companyinfo address but cannot quite fully understand
how to fix such that the address should not change if I update something
like Del Term (I have a feeling I need to trick AX into thinking the
delviery address fields have changed and then these will be sync'd back
rather than copnay info address being used but again this is only a educated
guess and where exactly to put such code is another matter)
Would apprecaite anyone who can give me some advice or ideas

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