hi guys,

have a question on fixed asset sale with profit and loss.
one of the options is to sell asset using free text invoice.
in posting profile setup there are a few things to set - under posting
profile general bit saying disposal sale you have ledger account and offset
account for value model and asset group. and this ledger account is actually
used as free text invoice sales value /revenue account. (the one that you
can specify on free text invoice lines gets ignored).
under disposal button you do set all clearing configuration and accounts to
reverse acquisition, depreciation of prior and this year (all other value
adjustments), net book value and sales value. and here you have option to
use different posting accounts for profit and loss.
the problem actually is that on that general posting profile setup bit with
that sales value account does not have an option of nominating two different
accounts dependant on type of sale - loss or profit. therefore you can't
automatically with no changes post asset sale and get end result - posted
profit or posted loss in their respective accounts.
Disposal sale posting on the general bit is set to use ledger account "asset
Under disposal sale button setup is :
acquisition account for loss scenario is offset against "asset sale/loss"
depreciation account for loss scenario is offset against "asset sale/loss"
same with sales and net book value.
though for profit
acquisition account and all other respective accounts are offset against
"asset sale/profit"

So with this setup all assets that I will be selling with loss will be
nicely and correctly processed.
My assets sold with profit over sudden will report their sales value in the
account  "asset sale/loss" because of general setting that has no option to
set 2 different accounts, and that is incorrect.

is there some sort of fix for that or workaround ?


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