1) Set the Width and Height properties to Column Width and Column Height 
respectively and do likewise for all container controls such as Grid and Tabs.
2) Create a new security key in the AOT and select it as the Security Key 
property value for the table on the form. Create a User Group in the user 
interface and associate it with the security key selected on the table. Set the 
required access rights for the user group. You may need to create more than one 
user group for different access rights.
3) You could set your new EDT to extend the TransDate EDT. Look at the 
properties of the TransDate EDT to see how it’s done.
Varden Morris
Varalth Solutions Inc.  
693 Abbottsfield Road NW
Edmonton, Alberta T5W 4R4
(780) 752-0406

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From: tarek adel <tarek...@yahoo.com>
To: Axapta-Knowledge-Village@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sunday, June 7, 2009 7:33:54 AM
Subject: [Axapta-Knowledge-Village] Create a new form

Dear all,

I have created a new form, but I need your help in couple of things:

1) What is the "Properties" I should adjust to make the "Form" resizable.
2) How I can active "User group permission" for the "Form" as of it's available 
and the choices for "No access, add, read, and full control" are dimmed.
3) I have created an "Extended Data Type" as a date, and choose with its 
properties (BottonImage) >> calendar. I added this to the table fields I have 
use as a data source for the form. But when I run the form it doesn't give the 
calendar click with the date field and I have to write the date manual, can you 
tell me what I may missing here?

Thanks in advance for your contributions.



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