Hi everyone
I have a strange problem that I have a class that basically creates a text
file of the item onhand information.
The class works fine when run by the user but when I set it to run in batch
it gives an error when the following code is called by the batch client:
            new FileIOPermission(FileName, 'w').assert();
            File    =   new AsciiIO(FileName, 'w');

The error says about ASCIIIO is not initialised.
I get the error even if I start the batch client in the same logged in AX
session that works if the user runs the export directly so I am a little
Also I took the export and put it on a dev server and it worked okay using
the batch client! So I am wondering when the batch client is running what
user id is it running as?  The user id that logged into AX and started teh
batch client or the user id that is in the AOS service start up or soemthing
like that?
Does anyone have any idea why the batch running would give this error since
the export works fine when run directly by the user?
This is AX4.0 SP1 or SP2 I cannot remember right now

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