You can try this query::
select sum(Qty),sum(costprice),sum(salesprice) from "TableName"
group by Description;

--- On Fri, 5/6/09, syed zaidi <> wrote:

From: syed zaidi <>
Subject: [Axapta-Knowledge-Village] HelP Required
Date: Friday, 5 June, 2009, 10:22 AM

Dear All,
I want to use group by techique in AX2009 Reports.
data save this way in table 
Descripotion                      Qty                   
CostPrice                 SalesPrice
Television                            1                           
5000                           6000
Television                            3                           15000                         18000

3                           150000                       180000
Results  i want to display data in Report body like this way from group by 

Descripotion                      Qty                   
CostPrice                 SalesPrice
Television                            4                          20000                          24000
3                           150000                       180000
Any body help me 
Thanks in advanced.
 Best regards,
Muzammil Hussain

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