
You can manage any modification in the 'fetch' method under your report. Here 
it's even possible do replace the queries used by the report.

But you could also want to do it in the 'executeSection' method under the 
section in wich the logo is displayed. But this would force you to make 2 
sections, each one with a logo, and to verify for the dim value in each 
executeSection method of those sections. Heavy !

3rd, you can do it in a display method called by your logo object, it may be 
the easiest way as this kind of method is nicely called at each occurence by 
the object itself, and you can manipulate data here to return one logo or an 
other depending on the dim value ...

I hope it helps

--- In Axapta-Knowledge-Village@yahoogroups.com, "pushtarb" <pusht...@...> 
> Deal all,
> My requirement is to display different logo based on Dimension value (fd1, 
> cy2) and also hide a text box based on a report type. 
> Where would I put this code in?
> I am new to reports.
> good day

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