I have a requirement where we need to create Dimension wise Financial Statement 
which will mean that a balance Trial Balance will be required per Dimension 
Example - If we consider there ar 4 values in one of the Dimension ( say 
Purpose), then periodically 4 Trial Balance will be required based on these 4 
values of the Dimension.
Please let me know if this is possible or you have any idea what all issues may 
come to have such a report.
I can see one scenario where it can fail:
A Sales Order with 4 different lines having diffeent values of Dimension in 
each of the lines. Once this sales Order get invoiced, Revenue is booked based 
on Dimension but the Customer balance is created with summary of all this four 
Hence, i can forsee a balanced Trial balance per dimension may not come in an 
Any thoughts??
Thanks in advance.


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