
    Trade agreements information we can find out on the details tab, but in
the right side of the overview tab all the information is coming from the
default setup for the item like the cost price and sales price we can set on
the item form. Discount infomation is also coming from the line discount
setup on the item information and the qty that can setup in the default
order setting.

On Wed, Oct 14, 2009 at 2:23 AM, jaykay_nl <jaykay...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> I need some help on this one.
> Within AX2009, module Accounts Receivable, Inquiry's area there is a form
> called Prices. Can anyone explain me how this form works, how the result of
> the price and discounts within the trade agreements of the customer/item
> combination are shown on the right side of the overview tab?
> On the details tab I see valid trade agreements, but these agreements are
> not reflected in the price area on the right side of the overview tab.
> How are the Site and Warehouse values determined as trade agreements can be
> site-warehouse specific and there is no way to enter these values in the
> Price inquiry form.
> Thanks in advance


Mukesh Mutreja
# 09818421567

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