
The problem is with the order of things your have done.

First, create the new Axapta on an empty database. Run Check list etc... After 
finishing, copy the aod file and label files (ald), which contains your new 
tables, functionalities, customisation for example axcus.aod (for tables, and 
functionalities) and axcusen-us.ald (for new labels).
At this point, you get an application which is currently empty, but contains 
the customisation, and the SP1 functionalities.

- Check, whether you have compilation errors in AOT, or runtime errors using 
functions for exapmle sales invoice printing.

- Check the tabelId and fieldId comparing old and new application for your 
customised tables and fields. You have to have the same tableIds and fieldIds 
in both applications.

Backup your production enviroment from SQL, and restore in a new database. 
Create a new AOS instance for this database, with the upgraded application and 
crossing fingers, hoping the best. You have to syncronise the application after 
this and recompile AOT.

What happens if you get new tableIds or fieldIds in your new application? 
Create an export definition in live datasets for all tables. Create an export 
definintion in live datasets for your 4 new tables. 
Restore your database, syncronise, let the system drop your tables and import 
the lost data from your export definition into your new enviroment. This 
solution depends on one thing, whether your new tables recId is used as a 
relation in other tables or not? If yes than import your alldata export into 
the new enviroment overwriting the datasets after the backup-dropping the 

But, there is one simple solution and it worth a try avoiding the above 
detailed workaround:
Install AX2009 SP1 directly on the application. There will be an upgrade check 
list after installation, like a new-born installation. If you have only new 
tables, and-or fields and new functionalities and not overwriting the standard 
application than you can do this in this way. After this only Second step part 
must be done in this case.

I hope this helps you a bit,

--- In Axapta-Knowledge-Village@yahoogroups.com, Ax Consultant 
<ax_consult...@...> wrote:
> Hi,
> Currently our client is having AX2009 and added 4 new tables through AOT 
> which are having data in SQL db.
> Now we have to install SP1, I have done it in following sequence on new test 
> machine:
> Restored Sql db
> Did fresh installation of AX2009
> Replaced application folder from production to test machine
> installed SP1
> Run checklist, but during upgrade code step it finds new tables in sql and 
> gives message to delete them to continue.
> Hence, at the end we could not see those tables added through AOT. Can you 
> please help me , how should this be done.
> how can we upgrade AX2009 to SP1 with customization.

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