I have recently experienced situations where labels are not getting
translated on reports for other languages (en-gb, en-us, de etc.). Instead, 
the labels are displayed using the default language; in this case da.

During the last week or so we have experienced this problem, where reports
all of a sudden display incorrectly - although they have worked properly 
during, let's say, several hours during the day.

The solution - however not that great - has been to shut down all AOS
instances, delete the .ali files and restart AOS. Actually, I would normally
also delete the .aoi and the .udb files, before I would start the
application in 2-tier mode, thus creating a fresh .aoi file. After that, AOS

Any input, solutions, causes to this?

Ax3.0 SP4 with KR3 running Citrix on SQL2005.

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