
After completing upgrade from AX4-SP2 to AX2009-SP1 and installing Process 
Industries. I have the following problems to be solved:

1 - Record Level Security on some user groups to filter ("Items" table on "Item 
group" field) does not work.

2 - SalesTable.initFromBusRelTable() was deleted from AX2009. What is new in 
place of this method to fill SalesTable.SalesResponsible field

3 - I get syntax error when compiling the class SysReportLibraryExport. The 
syntax error in the below method:

class SysReportLibraryExport
    Microsoft.Dynamics.Framework.Deployment.Reports.ReportLibraryExport export; 

4 - General question: I noticed that Application files have their modified 
date/time unchanged since installing AX while I am saving many changes in USR 
and VAR layers of forms and tables. All changes are seen by users, so the 
customizations are saved completely, but modified date/time of application 
files remains static until I stop the AOS service hence modified date/time is 
updated to the date/time of stopping AOS service. I am asking if there is a 
temporary location to save application customizations till committed or flushed?

5 - General question: about the new way of creating customer, vendor, employee 
and business relation in AX 2009. Can we go back to the old way in AX4 or make 
it simpler?

6 - General question: Is there any way to change AX2009 interface to be MDI 
instead of SDI.

Best Regards,



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