The module type for Inventory is 0, not 1.

--- In, "new_it_guy_ar" 
<anthony.mcchrist...@...> wrote:
> We are running AX 3.0 SP6.  We have recently decided to write off a number of 
> items from our spare parts inventory.  I have created a movement journal to 
> zero out the cost for the inventory value and a temporary table that contains 
> all of the item numbers that should be affected.  I have created the job 
> below to zero out the Inventory cost on the Price/Discount tab of the item.  
> The job runs and shows activity but when I look at the items there is still a 
> cost price.  Any suggestions?
> static void ItemWriteOff(Args _args)
> {
>      InventTableModule       inventTableModule;
>      TmpExcelData            tmpExcelData;
> ;
> while select tmpExcelData
> {
>     ttsbegin;
>     select forupdate InventTableModule
>        where InventTableModule.ItemId == tmpExcelData.AccountNum &&
>                                InventTableModule.ModuleType == 1;             
>       if (InventTableModule)
>         {
>           inventtableModule.price      = 0.00 ;
>           inventTableModule.update();
>         }
>     ttscommit;
> }
> }

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