I have a form with a grid in it that I want to display data and some image 
tiles. I have placed a window control in a cell grid and was thinking that I 
could load images to it by using a setting the Datasource and DataMethod 
properties so a display method on my datasource could set the image. I found 
examples online and in form tutorials that worked this way. 

However, the examples have the display method returning an integer that matches 
the resource ID of the images in the resources node in the AOT. I did this as a 
test and it works. But, when I try to access the images that I loaded  into the 
Resources node I run into a problem... I don't know their resource IDs. They 
don't show up in the tool that lets you browse them... and it doesn't show up 
in the properties for the resources!

I haven't ran across any examples where a display method returns anything but 
an integer to the window control... so I'm not sure what to do about this?

Any suggestions? Can I return something other than an int from my display 
method to have the image I want show up?

Is there another approach that I should take to this problem?


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